Lawn Treatments & Pest Control

Common lawn pests can be a huge nuisance, especially when they crash an outdoor party or big event. But more than that, they can also spread diseases or cause allergic reactions, putting your family at risk. Instead, take back control with help from Coleman Landscape Group. With our lawn pest control services, offered across Bucks County and Northeast Philadelphia, we can shield your home and your outdoor haven from a broad range of annoying pests and insects, allowing you to enjoy life outside, safely and with confidence.

& Many Others

Spotted Lanternfly Treatments

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive planthopper native to China, India, and Vietnam that was accidentally brought to the United States. This pest was first spotted in Berks County and has since been discovered in multiple southeastern Pennsylvania counties and their surrounding areas.

The spotted lanternfly feeds on a wide range of plants⁠—from trees to crops⁠—sucking up sap from the stems and trunks. In the younger stage, they’ll feed on almost anything. This wounds the plants, leaving trees and crops vulnerable to disease. After hatching, spotted lanternflies only take about two months to reach adulthood, so it does not take long for the egg masses on your trees to turn into a giant swarm. This pest can change the quality of life and landscape of your community, so don’t wait to report any sightings. You can do that through the PennState Extension, which is partnering with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Coleman Landscape Group can get rid of any spotted lanternflies around your home, community, or business and help prevent them from returning by treating the affected trees on your property.