Snow Removal

At Coleman Landscaping, we realize that the winters in the Philadelphia area can be severe at times. This is why we offer snow removal for our customers in Bucks County, Montgomery County, Philadelphia County and the rest of the Delaware Valley. Snow can be beautiful and picturesque, but it can also be a significant hindrance to movement and safety. We have the tools and training to handle snow removal in a safe and professional manner.

We offer a variety of snow removal services for our customers. These include shoveling of sidewalks, plowing of driveways and parking lots and laying down salt to improve traction and safety for vehicles and for people walking on your commercial or residential property. This is an essential service for any landscaping company to include in this area, and our team has you covered through the rough winters that can hit this region. We'll also be sure to safeguard your landscaping and the rest of your property during the snow removal process.


Why Choose Coleman?

At Coleman Landscaping, we only use organic products for all of our landscaping services. Founded in 2014, we pride ourselves on the fact that we source all the materials and products we use on our landscaping projects from companies in the Delaware Valley in order to support our local economy. By hiring us to handle any or all of your landscaping needs, you'll be helping the environment, your community and your bottom line.