Mulching Services

Mulching is an important part of any landscaping job especially when it comes to beds for flowers and plants. Putting mulch down around what you're trying to grow will inhibit the growth of weeds since the mulch will block them from any light, and they won't have the energy to push through it. It also helps the soil retain moisture, so you use less water, and it adds organic matter to your soil. At Coleman Landscaping, we realize the importance of mulch, and we have the experience to know how much to use for optimal results.

We offer our mulching services for commercial and residential properties throughout the Philadelphia area. We see it as an important element that we incorporate into our overall landscaping services. The use of mulch lowers your costs because its inhibition of weed growth saves money on pesticides or on time spent pulling weeds by hand and its moisture retention reduces your water bill. At Coleman Landscaping, we've been incorporating mulch into landscaping layouts long enough to know exactly the right amount to use to facilitate optimal growth and appearance in any circumstance.


Why Choose Coleman?

Because we are based in the suburbs of Philadelphia, we are convenient to your home or business in Bucks County, Montgomery County or Philadelphia County. We've been serving residential and commercial customers in the Delaware Valley for several years, and we source the organic products we use from this area in order to help the local economy.

Request an Estimate

If you need mulching or any other landscaping services, please contact us at Coleman Landscaping, so we can listen to what you're trying to accomplish as well as your budget and give you an honest estimate of what we can do for you.

Property Maintenance Plans

Please inquire about our convenient and affordable property maintenance plans as well because we know that designing and planting your landscaping is only the beginning. We do the follow up necessary to keep your property looking beautiful.

Interested In Our Mulching Services?